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Prior to school starting

Updated: Aug 7, 2020

One way to support a culturally responsive classroom environment is to prepare before school even starts (Kelly and McGlynn, 2018). I can start by learning where my students come from, the neighborhoods, and the environment that raised them. I can make connections with parents through phone calls introduction. I can let them know that I will provide a student information inventory for parents to fill out about their child and contact information (Kelly and McGlynn, 2018). This could help strengthen my relationship with parents and let the students know that their lives matter to me. Getting the parents involved is essential and gives the student a much higher chance of success in their education (Room 241, 2018). Before school starts, I will meet with student resources, such as the counselor and nurse. I will become well acquainted with the student and faculty handbook and meet with my principal. I will meet with my mentor and get a feel for the environment of the school. Speaking with the science teacher in the grade below me will let me know what to expect. I will prepare my room and syllabi for teaching on the first day. Being well prepared shows the students that I want to be there to teach them!

Works Cited

Kelly, J., and K. McGlynn. 2018 September. Creating a culturally responsive middle

school science classroom. Science Scope 42(2): 16-21.

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